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Should Nintendo lower the price of the Wii?

The Wii has been out for about 3 years now all without a hint of tarnish or sign of a price cut anywhere. Some squawkers have started to come out of the wood work and have gone on to say that the Wii not only needs a price cut but that it desperately needs it. Now, did I miss something here? Has the Wii actually been outsold since launch on a month to month basis in the States? Granted the last few months have been slower for the Wii and Wii Sports Resort didn't spark any hardware sales for the system either. Taking that into consideration, the Wii is still managing to outsell the next runner up (360) by over 50k a month. If Nintendo really wants to put a new spark into Wii sales, all they have to do is this:

Just release the Black Wii for crying out loud and be done with this price cut blah blah talk. You might not think that changing the color to black alone would be enough to boost sales all the way up to the 400-450k a month range again, but it really can. The reason? The Wii has only had one look since launch and everyone knows it's white. Now just shake the perception up and there you have an instant attention grabber.

I think Nintendo will do just what their third party developers have been guilty of doing: "test the waters". They will release the Black Wii and not lower the price but sit back and watch and see how much of an impact it has on sales. If the Black Wii doesn't spark sales (which it most definitely will) then Nintendo will have no problem lowering that price to $199.99 and calling it a day. So what do you guys think? Just change the color, or lower the price and change the color? If you asked me about it; lowering the price just because the Wii is not outselling(!) the other systems at the same rate as it used to is not a good enough reason to do it.

What I can tell you is that when the Wii finally does have it's price lowered; it will become the only console in history to be on the market for at least 3 years before having a price cut. I think that's pretty damned impressive don't you?

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