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Swatch Book Gifts!

So I've run into a few bumps in the road this week with my blog.  I'm hoping to keep posting as usual BUT if for some reason I can't here's what going on.  My laptop had to be taken in to get fixed yesterday.  It has a virus and is not functioning properly as you can image :(  I use MDS on my laptop!!!!  So you can only imagine my loss!!!  I backed up my MDS files that I just couldn't loose, so hopefully I won't loose anything but you never know.  I'm praying that my MDS files come out unharmed in this whole thing.  I won't get my computer back until this afternoon at the earliest but it might be Wednesday before I see it again.  So until I get it back I do have a couple things to show you.  I was able to get some pictures saved from the swatchbooks that I'm making for Logan and Megan this Christmas. 
Of course this is Megan's swatchbook :)  The swatchbooks are the prefect size for kids and they're so affordable to print!  Plus they're really durable so the kids aren't going to 'wreck' it in one day.  Megan has an ABC book.  So obviously each page has a different letter and picture to go with it. 
The pages are all really simple.  This book is for a 2 year old so the pages don't need to be elaborate or complicated.  The main thing is that Megan understands that L is for Lion, etc.  I had originally planned to show you Logan and Megan's swatch books together but instead I'll have to split it into 2 days and hope that I can get my computer back today :)  And HOPE HOPE HOPE that no important files were lost. 
Thanks for looking, see you soon!!!!!!

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