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Second Crusader Challenge Wrap-up, Crusader Notice-Board, and a Question for Crusaders

Challenge Wrap-up

What an awesome Challenge! And 87 entrants, woot! I'm amazed at the different approaches people used for their flash fiction - we've had killer goldfish, goldfish killers, were-goldfish, humans as goldfish, love scenes, magic scenes, and a whole lot more. And all in 100 words!!!

Judging of your entries will get under way soon, and I'll be announcing the winners in next Thursday's post (given the A-Z Challenge starts on Friday). Thanks to everyone who volunteered to be judges, I do appreciate it - as before, you'll still be eligible to win the prizes. We'll be letting people know if they've made it to the final judging round as the week goes by.

Crusader Notice-Board

Check out these great blogfests, contests, and other announcements:
  • don't forget to drop by Write Hope and bid on some of the fabulous auction items, with all money raised going to the Save the Children emergency relief fund for Japan
  • J.C. Martin is calling for submissions for her STORIES FOR SENDAI anthology, edited by herself and Michelle Davidson Argyle. Stories for Sendai is in aid of victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, and all proceeds of its sale will go to charity. The deadline for submissions is May 15th, so make sure you submit your stories and help with this great idea
  • Karen (Kar_Took) is calling for submissions for stories and poems for the short fiction anthology she edits called New Writing Dundee. Check here for the official call for submissions. The deadline is 2nd April, so there is still some time to submit for the chance to be published in their anthology
  • Michael is holding a Harry Potter blogfest ... WHO would be your Mates? on March 30th. Make sure you pop over and check it out
  • Katherine Owens is running the I Dig Reading Challenge, where you can pledge to give any amount you like to any charity you like, for every book you read in the year
  • Chenoa Fawn is running a collaborative story based on the surrealist game Cadavre Exquis. Visit her blog until March 31
  • Adriana Kraft is giving away a $10 gift certificate to All Romance E-Books. To enter, leave a comment on any blog post in March

A Question for Crusaders

I know a lot of you are doing the A-Z Challenge, and I'll be doing it myself. Given that, do you want a Crusader Challenge in April, or should we give it a miss??? At this stage I'm thinking I probably won't do one, but I can easily be persuaded otherwise if heaps of you do want another Challenge :) To make it easier (hopefully) to decide, if there is an April Challenge I'll make sure to theme it according to the corresponding alphabet letter for that day, so A-Z Challenge participants can do the one post for both.

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