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Visual Inspiration

Ever get stuck because you're unsure about a landmark?
Ever reread one of your descriptions and question the authenticity? Ever just draw a total blank and don't know where to begin????
This is where the world wide web comes in handy!

You can't remember the layout of Kenilworth Castle or its Keep? Do a search for the official website and you'll find tons of photos!

Or the view from one of the caves at Bandelier National Park has you scratching your head? Do a search!

And don't just search the official websites. Look for the images in a Google Image search.
If you are basing your story in a real location or near a real landmark or building, you need to be accurate in your descriptions. (If your story includes such details, of course.) But if your character is in Maine and your lighthouse description sounds like one that resides in Oregon, readers familiar with either location will know!

Not only will actual photos help you with the physical location, but with your lighting & direction. If your character is on the Carolina coast and the sun is setting in the west, that's a problem - UNLESS they are at Atlantic Beach, in which case, you'd be correct!

So do your research on real locations.
And for goodness sakes, be sure to get the size ratio right!

Unless of course, your book is "Calvin vs. Godzilla!"

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